涯屋下(My Home) 作者:卢江平 英译:吴文南 蓝天白云溪水绿, White cloud and blue sky enjoy the green stream. 青山脚下屋连屋。 Green mountains overlook the linking house dream. 涯个屋下山水靓, My hometown boasts landscape gorgeous. 永定就是涯屋下。 Yongding is my hometown marvelous. 土楼人家好风俗, Earthen Buildings toast the virtuous family. 相亲互爱很和睦。 They love each other in great harmony. 同一屋檐遮风雨, Under the same roof , we are sheltered. 共担艰难同享福。 With the same joy, hardship is shouldered. 故土难离想老屋, Old houses are an attchment reminicent. 想到老屋很幸福。 Old houses are a yearning magnifiscent. 圆圆土楼圆圆月, Earthen buildings match the moon round. 家乡就是涯归宿。 East west home is the best found. 涯屋下(My Home) 作者:卢江平 英译:吴文南 蓝天白云溪水绿, White cloud and blue sky enjoy the green stream. 青山脚下屋连屋。 Green mountains overlook the linking house dream. 涯个屋下山水靓, My hometown boasts landscape gorgeous. 永定就是涯屋下。 Yongding is my hometown marvelous. 上家教子下家乖, Mutual neighorhood teaching is simple. 哥就哥来叔就叔。 Brother is brother and uncle is uncle. 淳朴民风爱传承, Rustic folk custom is to be inherited. 劝你有空多归屋。 Going home more is to be suggested. 故土难离想老屋, Old houses are an attchment reminicent. 想到老屋很幸福。 Old houses are a yearning magnifiscent. 圆圆土楼圆圆月, Earthen buildings match the moon round. 家乡就是涯归宿。 East west home is the best found. 涯屋下(My Home) 作者:卢江平 英译:吴文南 蓝天白云溪水绿, White cloud and blue sky enjoy the green stream. 土楼成群屋连屋。 Earth buildings link each other into a dream. 涯个屋下讲客话, My home fellows speak Hakka dialect. 方圆内头嘿梓叔。 The dwellers are all relatives to collect.
土楼人家嚯和睦, Earthen Buildings toast the harmonious family. 相亲互爱好习俗。 Mutual love boasts the customs friendly. 同一屋檐遮风雨, Under the same roof, we are sheltered. 共担艰难同享福。 With the same joy, hardship is shouldered.
上家教子下家乖, Mutual neighborhood teaching is simple. 哥就哥来叔就叔。 Brother is brother and uncle is uncle. 淳朴民风代代传, Rustic folk custom is to be inherited. 耕读传家薪火续。 Farming and reading are to be treated.
故土难离想老屋, Old houses are an attachment reminiscent. 想到屋下嚯幸福。 Old houses are a yearning magnificent. 虽然涯今在他乡, In alien land I am roaming around. 家乡就是涯归宿。 East west home is the best found. |