阿哥出门往南洋(Goodman Leaving for Southeast Asia) 李福渊版, 英译:吴文南 阿哥出门往南洋, Goodman leaves for Southeast Asian. 漂洋过海出外乡。 Cross the ocean to the barbarian. 嘱哥身体爱保重, Goodman keeps good health. 保重身体得安康, Good health is the best wealth. 人争口气佛争香。 Buddha relishes incense and men breath. 阿哥出门往南洋, Goodman leaves for Southeast Asian. 两人情份爱久长。 Our love is Auld Lang Syne Eurasian. 亲哥到了南洋后, When Southeast Asia is reachable. 书信快快寄回乡, Mails are posted as soon as possible. 免得老妹挂心肠。 To avoid Goodwife's worries terrible. 阿哥出门往南洋, Goodman leaves for Southeast Asian. 妹有言语问亲郎。 Goodwife checks with Goodman patient. 亲哥何时动身转, When will Goodman home return? 妹在码头等阿郎, Goodwife awaits Goodman at wharf in turn. 合家团圆喜洋洋。 Family reunion renders happiness certain. |